Courses & CLASSES offered

Courses offered by Lee-Anne Raw Designs

(enquiries to or telephone / whatsapp on 96894368)

Lee-Anne offers handuilding, wheel throwing and glazing courses

from March to June and September to December


1. Beginner Handbuilding (A) - Every Monday and Wednesday 10am to 12pm for 3 weeks (€280) 

2. Beginner Handbuilding (B) - Every Tuesday and Thursday 10am to 12pm for 3 weeks (€280) 

3. Beginner Handbuilding (C) - Every Tuesday and Thursday 6pm to 8pm for 3 weeks (€280)

4. Beginner Wheel Throwing (D) Private Tuition - Flexible Dates & Times (6 Sessions of 2 hours) (€350) 

5. Handbuilding Masterclass (E) - 3rd Sunday of each month from 10 am to 4pm (€160)

6. Glazing Masterclas (1) - 4th Monday of each month 10am to 1pm (€90)

7. Glazing Masterclass (2) - 4th Tuesday of each month 10am to 1pm (€90)

8. Glazing Masterclass (3) - 4th Tuesday of each month 6pm to 9pm (€90)

9. Glazing Masterclass (4) - 1st Sunday of each month 10am to 1pm (€90)

10. Beginner Glazing (Optional after completion of any Course (A,B,C,D,E)) - 4th Wednesday / Thursday  (€50)

All classes will be a maximum of 6 students.

Fees include tuition, materials, tools and a single firing

Glazing and Glaze Firing is an optional Extra (€50) - dates to be agreed based on studio workload

50% non refundable deposit required to confirm booking

Prices exclude VAT


Please call or email to book