A beautiful gallery for exhibitions, events and teaching

Our gallery offers a flexible space for a wide range of art related activities or private events

the gallery

The Gallery dates back to April 1939, and has a "cathedral" type atmosphere. A large room of 150m2 (15m x 10m) floorspace with high stone walls providing a useable wall space of at least 90m2. The Gallery lends itself to art exhibitions, art markets (30 tables), unplugged musical performances, small stage performances (dance and drama), life drawing and teaching. By arrangement, the Gallery can be hired for special private events such as birthday parties or other celebrations


The gallery has, at its centre, a feature ceramic chandelier offering a unique lighting effect for live art performances. It is complemented by general room lighting, soft wall lighting and bright, directable, colour neutral spotlights for wall based exhibitions. Additional lighting can be provided by prior arrangement


All equipment, furnishing and catering required for an event can be arranged through The Makers Space, or direct with your own suppliers

Hirers of the gallery space can, by arrangement, be given access to the comfort facilities available in the Studio area, however, for activities that attract large numbers of people, mobile toilet facilites must be arranged

Art classes and activities

Large mobile worktables ( 2.44m x 1.22m) and seating can be provided for student groups of up to 10 participants